Uncover your true value for imminent growth
AI-Driven Company Search

AI-Driven Business Valuation

Cyndx Valer allows you to determine the value of your company in minutes, not weeks. All you need to do is input some financial information and we compare it against relevant market data—including comparable company multiples, expected returns for private and public companies, and long-term growth projections to give you a relevant valuation of your company.

Uncover what your true value is in just a few clicks.
Access AI-driven public comparables.

Leverage our proprietary AI and massive dataset to determine your company’s valuation from other similar companies in the market.

Get better understanding of your business
Uncover your business value in minutes.

Input some financial information and compare it against relevant market data—including comparables, expected returns, and growth projections.


Be prepared for your next round of funding or next growth strategy
Gain intelligence around your company’s worth.

We combine data with intelligence that results in a better company valuation. Cyndx Valer helps you prepare for critical discussions in capital raising or M&A.

Determine your company’s worth in no time.

Determining the value of a company is complex. Business valuators rummage around massive unstructured datasets and company financials to determine the appropriate value of a business—but this is only one piece of the puzzle. Cyndx Valer is a tool that was designed to provide professional level valuation services for any company irrespective of sector, size, or geography. Valer derives your company’s value by leveraging private and public company dataset and AI to power methods such as DCF, VC, or Public Comparables.

Intelligent Business Valuation Platform
Plug and play. Accurate results, in seconds.

Reduce margins of error in valuation.

Proven valuation methodologies require intelligence and judgment to help determine the real worth of a company, investment, or asset. Due to the inherent manual process of evaluating a company, plugging in the wrong earnings statement and comps can dramatically affect your business valuation. Valer uses a massive proprietary dataset and AI, combined with built-in methodologies such as discounted cash flow, venture capital, and public comparables that enables you to reach a more thoughtful valuation for your company.

Make an educated decision.

A company’s valuation is critical to raise capital or sell. Entrepreneurs and growth stage companies can use Cyndx Valer as a guide in determining their company’s worth with a pre-built framework. In less than an hour, you get a valuation analysis that you can present to banks, investors, or acquirers.

Powered by algorithms, curated by experts
Make smart, well-informed decisions

Use a proven business valuation model.

Small businesses or startups don’t have the luxury to hire a professional who can evaluate their company’s worth; those that do tend to be enterprise-sized companies that have dedicated finance staff and resources available to hire an appraiser. Cyndx Valer makes it easy to enter underlying business information to get your business value right.

Get access to leading market data and comparables.

Accurately pinpoint growth opportunities and risks
Dashboard Overview

Quickly understand how you can reduce cost, optimize effort, eliminate waste, and increase profitability.

Global Investor Ecosystem

Easily find the most relevant investors for your business across the globe.

Custom Comparables

Determine the value of a private company based on the trading multiples of publicly traded companies in the same industry.

Liquidation Value

Understand the final value that your business will receive when your asset is sold or liquidated and make more informed decisions about your investments.

Discounted Cash Flow

Make a more confident informed opinion, whether you’re estimating the cost of a specific project, buying stock in a publicly traded company, or investing in a private company.


Receive a deep dive one page report on your equity with clearly stated assumptions, calculations and breakdown discrepancies in the value between similar firms and capture every opportunity.

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