Raising capital can be tough. Even if your firm has good profit margins and rapid growth, raising funding is difficult. In the best-case scenario, you acquire finance after months of persuading investors, speaking with banks, and gathering mountains of paperwork. However, even if you have tangible figures to back up your company’s trajectory, your months of hard work will most likely leave you empty-handed.

Competition for funding is fierce—less than 1% of American companies receive venture capital funding. Even typical bank loans, which many entrepreneurs regard as a last resort, are difficult to obtain for enterprises dealing with intangible assets such as software.

Here are four challenges in capital raising and tips on how to deal with them more effectively.

4 Challenges in Raising Capital

You don’t have a clear vision.

Most investors prefer entrepreneurs who are extremely articulate and passionate about the foundation on which the company is built. By putting the vision at the center of every pitch meeting for raising capital, you will demonstrate to early-stage investors that you are committed to making the business idea a reality.

You have less knowledge about the market.

Another significant barrier to raising capital may be a lack of knowledge about the market in which your company operates. When you go out to raise money for your business, you should be able to answer all of these questions and many more.
1. Who will purchase your service or product?
2. What gap does it address?
3. What is the potential for growth?

You are unsure about the amount you need.

The next set of fundraising challenges may be a failure to calculate the amount of money actually needed. When asked, “I think about a billion dollars would suffice” is not clear enough.Not only do you, the entrepreneur, need to know how much money you need, but also why you need it. Before you enter the fundraising discussion room, know the exact financial spendings and requirements.

You lack skilled leaders in key positions.

An entrepreneurial-minded set of competent teams can help build successful teams and close funding rounds by demonstrating passion and drive. When you have a trusted team on your side, you can answer the investors’ questions from various perspectives and find support from one another during difficult question rounds.

What are the possible solutions to the major obstacles to raising capital?

Have a well-strategized model

Have a proper business model that best represents your company’s operational and financial picture. It should clearly highlight how your day-to-day business works, the target market, the challenges it solves, and the financial, future projection.

Know the uniqueness of your product

There is something in your business idea that is unique to your brand – which your competitor with a similar model can also not replicate. It is important to note that every collateral you make for the investor should highlight that unique selling proposition.

Increase your business networking

Increase your networking. It can be with other entrepreneurs, CXOs of companies, or just the prospective customers. Networking can help you take the business idea across to a wider market base. It can also give you a peek into how profitable the idea or the product is and provide the necessary feedback to take it to the next level.

Find the best funding option for your business

Knowing the best capital raising strategies can help solve some of the biggest finance issues in business. Some of the most commonly used mode of business fundings are:

  1. Self-fundings
  2. Bank loans
  3. Angel investors
  4. Venture capital
  5. Crowdfunding

Knowing which funding model to choose can help you prepare your business pitch and model accordingly.

Start identifying right investors using Cyndx Raiser 

With today’s technology, entrepreneurs can minimize the need for time-consuming research and analysis while raising funding. With AI’s ability to spot patterns and adapt to changes within datasets and NLP’s ability to extract sentiment from data, entrepreneurs may swiftly find and secure funding from the proper investors. 

By employing artificial intelligence to expedite and sharpen the investor search process, Cyndx Raiser drastically saves you time and energy that many founders spend on investor sourcing and outreach.

Instead of wasting time pitching to investors who are unlikely to complete a transaction, entrepreneurs may quickly locate the proper funding alternatives. The size of Cyndx’s information also implies that entrepreneurs may reach a significantly bigger pool of perfect potential investors, eliminating the risk of losing out on a lucrative funding opportunity.

Cyndx is the go-to tool for companies seeking capital. Cyndx provides a cutting-edge solution that provides unique insights and opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else, helping startups find investors, secure funding, and propel themselves ahead of the competition, thanks to its comprehensive data and powerful AI-enabled search and discovery platform.

If you’re trying to raise funds and grow your business, schedule a demo today to experience how amazing Cyndx Raiser’s search capabilities are.