Diversifying your investment portfolio is a crucial strategy for every savvy investor. It involves spreading your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk and increase the potential for returns. 

When you diversify your portfolio, you’re typically buying different types of assets. This often requires more time and resources, especially if you’re investing in small amounts into private companies. It can be time -consuming to research different asset classes and investments, and to track your portfolio’s performance. If you don’t have the time or expertise to do this, it can be difficult to find the right assets. 

Not all are created equal. Some are more correlated than others, meaning they tend to move up and down together. This can reduce the effectiveness of diversification. It can be difficult to stay diversified. The market is constantly changing, so you need to make sure your portfolio is still diversified over time. 

While the importance of diversification is well-known, many dealmakers find it challenging to effectively diversify their portfolios. This is why so many family offices that express a desire to invest in private companies shy away from investing into private companies because they don’t have the expertise or time to properly due diligence these companies.

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this difficulty and how technology and an AI deal sourcing platform are revolutionizing the portfolio diversification process, empowering dealmakers to maximize the benefits from deal origination through to completion.

Top Reasons Why Diversification is a Challenge for Investors

The objective of investors is to identify companies in growing markets that can generate a predictable, recurring revenue stream. A single-sector fund may not be as efficient as a multi-sector fund that scales much more quickly and generates more revenue.

The majority of investment firms tend to focus on one sector, for example the technology sector, and diversify their investments across various asset or companies with in the sector. Now that technology, software, and data-enabled businesses are on the rise, investment firms can more easily identify opportunities to diversify their portfolios.

Limited Knowledge 

Many investors often do not have the time or resources to become expert across a wide variety of potential sectors. Diversification requires understanding various investment options and markets so that they can understand and capitalize on attractive trends. As a result, investors who lack knowledge and expertise in different asset classes might find it challenging to identify suitable opportunities for diversification. Because their knowledge is more limited, this can hinder their ability to diversify effectively and they might find it challenging to identify suitable opportunities for diversification.  

Capital Constraints

Diversifying a portfolio often requires significant capital, especially when investing in private companies. Investors with limited funds may find it challenging to allocate resources across various investments adequately. Allocating funds across multiple assets or investments can be difficult if there isn’t enough money to spread around effectively and develop the levels of relationships in any one sector to be a “go to” firm for the sectors of interest. Thus making it more challenging to diversify their portfolio adequately. 


The time and effort required to have diversification is significant. Diversification requires ongoing monitoring, research, and rebalancing of the portfolio. This can be time-consuming and demanding for individual investors, particularly those with limited resources.  As a result, most investors tend to concentrate which can result in increased risk.

Market Correlations

One of the goals of diversification is to invest in assets that don’t move in tandem with each other. Because most private investors tend to invest in sectors where they have expertise, the correlation among assets tends to be high. Investors that become too attached to a specific investment that has performed well in the past, often leads to an overconcentration of their portfolio in that asset. If the assets in a portfolio are highly correlated, assets tend to move in tandem and the benefits of diversification may be reduced. This lack of diversification can expose them to higher risks if that asset underperforms. Often a downturn in one asset will result in losses across the entire portfolio.  However, during times of extreme market volatility or financial crises, correlations between seemingly unrelated asset classes can increase, limiting the effectiveness of diversification.

Not having the Right Tools 

Finding suitable investment opportunities in different asset classes requires extensive research and due diligence. Investors may struggle to identify quality investments or may lack access to certain markets or investment opportunities.

Monitoring Complexity

As the number of investments in a portfolio increases, so does the amount of resources required and complexity of monitoring and managing them effectively. Keeping track of multiple assets, rebalancing the portfolio, and staying informed about each investment’s performance can be overwhelming. Especially for private company investments where the companies often require mentoring in addition to capital, adding portfolio diversification can dramatically increase the work required for each asset. Thus, diversification doesn’t guarantee positive returns across all investments. Some assets may outperform while others underperform, leading to disparities in overall portfolio performance.

Time Constraints and Emotional Biases

Diversifying a portfolio requires time and effort to research, analyze, and manage different investments. Investors can be influenced by emotional biases, such as fear and overconfidence that can prevent them from acting even when the opportunity presents itself. These biases may lead them to avoid diversification due to a strong belief in a particular investment or an unwillingness to sell certain assets because “the timing is not right.” So even for investors that have the necessary expertise, and have dedicated sufficient time to identify diversification opportunities, they may not be able to act due to emotional biases.

How To Start Diversifying Your Portfolio

Diversification remains an essential aspect of a sound investment strategy despite these obstacles. You can reduce your risk and increase your chances of achieving your financial objectives by diversifying your portfolio.  Below are some suggestions for portfolio diversification:

Understand Your Risk Tolerance

Understanding your risk tolerance refers to an investors ability and willingness to accept potential losses in exchange for potentially higher returns, this is critical in determining the level of investment risk you are comfortable with around any one investment and a sector in general.  Consider your horizon of time carefully when considering your risk tolerance and your ability to fund investments during potential down periods. 

It is essential to have the right balance between risk and reward goals, time horizon, and emotional comfort. While taking more risk can lead to higher potential returns, it also comes with a greater chance of losses. Conversely, avoiding all risk might protect capital but could lead to lower overall returns, potentially hindering long-term financial growth.

Understanding and appropriately managing risk tolerance can help investors make informed decisions that align with their unique financial circumstances and long-term objectives

What Is Your Investment Time Horizion 

How long do you intend to invest the funds? This will help you determine the appropriate asset classes for your portfolio and reduce risk by diversifying your investments across various categories. Consider your horizon of time carefully when considering your risk tolerance and your ability to fund investments during potential down periods. 

Invest In a Variety Of Industries, Various Asset Categories, and Regions Across The Globe

This will assist you in diversifying your portfolio and decreasing your exposure to a single industry. If you invest in the technology sector, for instance, you could diversify your investments by also investing in the healthcare or consumer discretionary industries that have a technology aspect to their businesses. This will assist you in diversifying your portfolio and decreasing your exposure to any one country or region. If you invested in the United States, for instance, you could also invest in Europe or Asia. By spreading investments across different sectors, types of assets, and geographic locations, investors can potentially achieve a more balanced risk-to-reward ratio.

Invest In a Variety Of Strategies

There are a variety of private equity and venture capital strategies. You could invest, for instance, in growth equity, buyouts, or venture capital. You can reduce your risk exposure and increase your chances of achieving long-term growth by investing in multiple strategies.

Perform the Necessary Amount of Due Diligence

Before investing in any asset, it is essential that investors conduct the appropriate amount of research and comprehend the associated risks with each investment. The due diligence process entails comprehension of the investment’s strategy, management team, and target market. The investor must understand the potential opportunities and the changing competitive dynamics.

Diversification is a crucial component of a prudent investment strategy, but it is not a guarantee against loss. However, if you follow these guidelines, you will have a greater chance of achieving your financial objectives.

Utilize AI To Diversify Your Portfolios 

Smart investors understand the value of diversification which is essential for risk management in private equity portfolios, given the high-risk and illiquidity of these investments. But investors are faced with a world that is becoming increasingly global and complex. While the amount of data available to investors has increased exponentially, the ability to manage and understand that data has also become more complex and expensive.  To enable Investors to better identify and evaluate a diverse range of investment opportunities across geographies, industries, and strategies with greater speed and precision, they are increasingly turning to platforms that use AI to search for and diligence new investment opportunities.

AI also enables investors to analyze data and recognize patterns in order to optimize their diversification strategy, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions. Using Cyndx, diversify your portfolios with confidence. Cyndx is an AI-enabled deal search and discovery platform designed to streamline the process of deal origination. Instead of relying solely on static historical data, the platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to assimilate and analyze millions of companies and transactions.

With Cyndx, you can search a comprehensive database of over 27 million companies and investors using robust analytic tools, allowing for unparalleled discovery. Using Cyndx’s proprietary AI, investors are able to identify the most pertinent investments, co-investors, and acquisition opportunities, as well as locate companies that are anticipated to raise additional capital within the next six months.